Why Use An IME Vendor

A well-respected panel of medical experts will provide a meaningful assessment of the claimant’s medical condition which will assist in the evaluation of exposure, case reserve assessment and development of settlement strategies.

Our Service Commitment

  • Arrange appointment with appropriate specialty consultant
  • Confirmation will be sent immediately and appointment will be rapidly scheduled
  • Appointment date will be within 2 to 3 weeks
  • Reminder call will be made to claimant before the exam to reduce no-shows
  • Transportation will be assigned upon request
  • Appointment letters sent to all appropriate parties
  • Any no shows will result in a  “No Show Letter” sent to governing state
  • Reports reviewed by internal claims professionals to ensure all questions were properly answered by examining doctor
  • Reports will be distributed to all interested parties same day, same manner in accordance with Rules and Regulations of the governing state.

Feel free to contact us for more information.